Dive into the World Of technology strategy

Welcome to SAMIT RAY. I personally invite you to look into the content written specifically for you. Driving a Technology Strategy is no longer a task of the Super Consultants from the ‘Big-4‘ community. If you read through the articles and work with me, you can drive and deliver state-of-the-art strategies all by yourself. Read some of these strategies here…

Strategy Programs

Read various posts on Technology Strategy. Written in a way to make them simple to understand with mostly DYI kind of an approach.

Verification Services

Be it a Strategy Program or some Infrastructure Implementation Plan or even a Proposal you intend to submit, you can ge the same reviewed by Experts.

Coding Ideas

Are you looking to integrate with Microsoft Azure AD? Are you looking for AWS tips? Read some of my posts on Coding Guidelines.

Industrial Automation

Automating industrial processes, specially in the manufacturing industry, is a meaningful strategy discussion. Automation eventually reduces waste, improves productivity and increases profit margin. Find a whole bunch of discussions around this.

Circuit Ideas

Are you a gadget freak? Are you ready to read through articles on making some of the interesting sensor based projects using microcontrollers? You will find a lot of reading materials on Internet of Things.

AI and Cognitive Computing

Days are gone when you spend enormous hours in making critical decisions by looking at excels and comparing tons of data. Artificial Intelligence can actually point you to the right direction and help you reduce those lengthy tasks and take more informed decisions.


Throughout my career, I interacted with a lot of clients and worked in varied nature of technology and strategy work.

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Years of Experience

Developing trading engines across the world to advising clients on technology strategy, I have delivered all of them.

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Clients across the World

Worked with many clients in India, South-East Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa and US. 

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Hours of Lectures

Have been a visiting lecturer for a top Management institute in India. Mostly covered areas of innovation and entrepreneurship. 

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To access this post, please login or register yourself for a FREE Membership program . Free Membership will allow you to read a lot of interesting articles on Technology and related strategies.

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